Support Group

SIBS NJ Supportive Initiatives for Brothers & Sisters in New Jersey

SIBS NJ Supportive Initiatives for Brothers & Sisters in New Jersey

Children & Adolescents

SIBS NJ seeks to be inclusive of not only siblings but of families and organizations that work with families in their efforts for and with their loved ones with special needs. We are committed to helping siblings of people with special needs who are school-aged through educating their parents, teachers, and those who work with them on the unique needs of siblings. In order to do so, SIBS NJ will be offering a comprehensive program to schools and families in the coming months called, “The Sibling Experience”. Likewise, the organization offers further opportunities for insight into sibs’ needs in different ways.

The Sibling Experience: A Presentation for Parents & Teachers: Siblings have unique needs and oftentimes parents don’t know how to address those needs. Likewise, school support staff and teachers are often lost in finding ways to help kids in the classroom when they face challenges related to having a special needs sib at home. This presentation will provide an overview of how siblings often experience and perceive disability, ways parents and teachers can provide support and recognize the difficulties that it can present for them, as well as positive new strategies for having difficult conversations about disability with children and teens.

Sib Panels are an opportunity for parents to sit in a room with a Q&A panel comprised of siblings so that parents may ask them questions regarding what it is like to be a sib, ways parents can better help their typical children in their sibling role, how to facilitate conversations about disability and the future, and so much more.

Private Groups can be conducted by siblings at different schools, organizations, and non-profits as-needed. Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in SIBS NJ running a group for you.

Age Groups
  • Children
  • Adolescents
  • Adults
  • Seniors
Community Services
Family & Support Services
Health Services
Intellectual and Developmental Needs

Last Updated: 06/09/24